Meeting Reports
National Unlimited Bangers Supreme Championship – 06/05/2017 – Mildenhall
Report by Chris & Dave Whiting
The line-up included Dutchman 68 Vincent de Bruin and 24 Conor Ratcliffe from Northern Ireland, while top car was 617 Jack Overy’s Mk2 Granada.
The draw for the Last Chance race placed 57 Ryan Brown and 160 Shayn Winsor on the front row, with Winsor taking an early lead. 24 Ratcliffe, 317 Callum Jacobs and 68 de Bruin tangled on the pit bend, before 662 Dalton Smith was blitzed by 673 Darren Fendley near the pit gate. A small pile up formed off turn 4, as 19 Joe Mullarkey hooked out 623 Ricky Hutton on the home straight. 59 Brown collected 817 Kurt Jacobs on turn 3, before 433 Ben Smith followed in 706 Ricky Miller on the pit bend, with 68 de Bruin weighing into 433 Smith. 77 Paxti Beasley spun 19 Mullarkey, as 132 Alan Wombwell gave the spun 24 Ratcliffe a head-on on the home straight. 141 Gary Lee then hit 24 Ratcliffe, the following traffic crashing in behind with 235 Danny Williams and 59 Brown involved. 551 Brett Jackson then crashed in, with 817 Jacobs piling into him, as the pile up grew with all the remaining runners going in. 136 Adrian Court was blitzed by 159 Darren Scarrow and 77 Beasley, with 19 Mullarkey collecting the latter. 160 Winsor managed to shove his way through to start another lap, as 141 Lee weighed into Mullarkey. 136 Court hit Lee, with Court taking further damage from 59 Brown, as 160 Winsor again found a way through the virtual track blockage. 222 Matty High hit 116 Nat Cohn, as 160 Winsor forged through the chaos another time to take the chequered. A full result was announced by backtracking the laps completed.
The Supreme Championship gridded, the Incarace draw placing 271 Dean Goodearl on pole and 599 Matty Butcher alongside, with 22 Dave Vincent & 88 Lyndon Stark on row 2 and 339 Jack Garrod & 67 Rickie Beasley on row 3. The Last Chance race qualifiers lined up at the back of the field, although only four of the seven made it out. 271 Goodearl shot into the lead from the drop of the green, as defending holder 542 Craig Oliver was spun on turn 2. 328 Dan Lathan was spun into the infield blocks into turn 1, as 617 Overy got his Granny flying. 338 Terry Garrod spun 88 Stark on the pit bend, as 617 Overy moved into second. 599 Butcher gave the spun 119 Davey Cox a head-on on the home straight, Cox giving a lurking Butcher a T-bone on the road bend, before he was blitzed by 887 Robert Browning on turn 2. 617 Overy came out of turn 2 too wide and clipped the fence at speed, riding up it to wreck his steering, as 119 Cox and 599 Butcher went on opposite to chase round the track. Eventually, Butcher gave Cox a T-bone down the home straight on the infield, before Cox set off again on opposite, collecting the leading 271 Goodearl head-on on turn 4. 22 Vincent took over the lead, as 599 Butcher gave 119 Cox a hit between the infield blocks on the apex of the pit bend. 271 Goodearl then very dangerously cut across the infield from the back straight to hit Cox. On the last lap, 338 Garrod came up 22 Vincent’s inside down the back straight and leaned him wide on the pit bend, just beating him to the line in a very close finish.
328 Lathan led away the consolation as 17 Kyle Overy fenced 19 Mullarkey on the pit bend, and they tangled to end on turn 4, allowing 57 Brown to blitz Overy. A jacking train then formed with 68 de Bruin piling into 19 Mullarkey, 388 Taylor Sowter, 662 Smith and 77 Beasley crashing in behind. Beasley backed off, allowing 884 Tom Filmer to further blitz 662 Smith, as 888 Jake Smith went on opposite to head-on 67 Beasley on the back straight. 67 Beasley continued and weighed into 888 Smith on the next lap, as 59 Brown blitzed 898 Andy Battle into turn 3, with 811 Pete Winter crashing into Brown. 673 Fendley caught 328 Lathan off the last bend to spin him over the line, Fendley just taking the win, as 811 Winter dished out a head-on on 888 Smith into turn 3, 77 Beasley weighing into Winter.
The Allcomers Final was led away by 328 Lathan as 17 Overy, 811 Winter and 884 Filmer all spun on turn 4. 77 Beasley blitzed 222 High at the end of the home straight, High taking more damage as he was clipped by the passing traffic. 107 Michael Seex attacked 327 Micky Maskell Jnr opposite the starter’s rostrum and dished out several hits, as 617 Overy started closing on 328 Lathan, but the laps ran out and Lathan took the flag. However, a check of the lapcharts showed 67 Beasley as having been out front and the actual winner.
328 Lathan headed the Allcomers, before he was passed by 88 Stark on the pit bend, Stark going on to take the win despite a near spin on the last bend to end a quiet race.
The DD started with 59 Brown taking a T-bone from 714 Paul Smalldon, with 884 Filmer crashing into Smalldon. 884 Filmer then went on opposite to meet 817 Jacobs head-on on the pit bend, with 433 Smith blitzing Jacobs, before 17 Overy and 59 Brown crashed in, the red flags coming out to check on 817 Jacobs. Just six cars were left for the restart, with 388 Sowter fencing 617 Overy on turn 4, before 67 Beasley piled into Sowter down the home straight, with 59 Brown weighing into Beasley. 77 Beasley collected Brown, with 714 Smalldon piling into 77 Beasley, before 617 Overy went on opposite to hit 59 Brown. Overy then steamed Brown round the track on opposite, before 67 Beasley hit Brown on turn 1. This left just both Beasleys and 617 Overy running, with 67 Beasley spinning Overy on turn 2, before 77 Beasley gave Overy a T-bone on the back straight. 77 Beasley then went for Overy on the pit bend, but missed and ran into the pile up, allowing Overy to hit him, before 67 Beasley and Overy met head-on. Overy then T-boned 77 Beasley, and exchanged a couple more hits with the Beasleys, before they finished Overy off. 67 Beasley then blitzed 77 Beasley on turn 4 to take the win.
Last Chance (31 cars): 160, 960, 222, 85, 206, 136, 159, 77, 551, 817.
Supreme Championship (23 cars): 338, 22, 160, 17, 85, 88, 830, 339, 326, 542.
Cons (25 cars): 673, 328, 67, 327, 617, 811, 107, 68, 888, 32.
Allcomers Final (23 cars): 67, 328, 617, 22, 160, 338, 206, 884, nof.
Allcomers (16 cars): 88, 328, 67, 160, 388, 617, 327, nof.
DD (10 cars): 67 from 77.

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