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Meet The Team – Jamie Waller-Jones

Jamie Waller-Jones is an enthusiastic character, who’s recent introduction to the team has brought in a new lease of life to Caged.

A young Jammer in the seat of a BRISCA F2

Like many, Jamie’s first taste of racing came courtesy of his parent’s, but his route to the hustle and bustle of bangers follows a slightly different path to most. ‘Mum used to do grass racing in Wales before I was born, so it was always in the family,’ Jamie informs us. ‘A couple of years after I was born, Mum and Dad took me to a humble little track named Mendips for one of their Coach meets. I’ve always been car obsessed since I was little, and something just clicked that day!

363 Sam Trim was one of Jamie’s heroes growing up

Jamie hasn’t looked back since, becoming a noteworthy face at the south-west raceway, a place which is certainly close to his heart with several fond memories. ‘The early British Beef meets at Mendips have stayed in my head, I’ve always loved Ford’s because my Dad had a couple. The Limos and Hearse’s event was always a highlight for me too; 363 Sam ‘Trummer’ Trim in a Lincoln Town Car is what I think of when I think about my early days at the races.’

404 Rob Mills is another Mendips legend Jamie looked up to

‘It’s been an absolute blast!’ Jamie tells us about growing up around the racing which has really helped Jamie blossom in himself; developing his own personality and confidence. ‘I actually moved away from the sport for a couple of years to focus on other interests, but a bit of me was always missing something. I didn’t interact much with drivers either due to always feeling a bit anxious and shy, it was only really after the first lockdown when racing started up that I pushed myself to just get talking with drivers. Now I’ve got so many wonderful friends that I see at many ovals. It’s a wonderful experience that I can’t quite put into words. I went from not talking to anyone and hiding, to wearing a Santa costume at Taunton last December; quite the contrast!’

120 Shane Brown is another to feature in Jamie’s dream team

Jamie has his own page, Bangers Down West which he has been working on over the past couple of years, and since having that, he has found it has helped his anxiety and nervousness as previously touched upon. ‘The racing and the social just brings me joy, very simply. I didn’t really get on with the kids at my old school until I got older, so I never socialised a bunch, but I’m now at a stage in my life where I’m truly happy with what I’ve got. Speaking to mates at the racing and having a laugh during a catch up is usually my favourite part of a meeting, and the racing helps me not to overthink things for a few hours. It’s definitely given me a few wonderful friends, and a bit of peace too.’ There’s something really pleasing to hear a young perspective on the racing, and it’s certainly been a common discussion point of interviews of late that the social is a major contributor to what makes the racing great. That aside, how did Bangers Down West come about? ‘I started taking some photos at the racing when Mendips started up in 2020. I was mainly inspired by Limejelly Photography after they had done some pit life photos. I would post the photos to the Facebook group for Mendips Raceway and a few drivers liked them, so I decided to start up a page called Westcountry Bangers, which eventually changed over to what everyone knows now as Bangers Down West, and I haven’t looked back since!’

Warlords pilot 517 Scott Weldon is the forth driver in Jamie’s dream team

Jamie’s hard work and dedication is something that put us onto his radar for sure. Jamie’s enthusiasm to promoting Mendips and trying to ensure that his local track is firmly placed on the map, as well his passion to strive to make it great in his assistance running the Caged Open Weekender led to him being asked to become a member of the team. Jamie reflects on that time. ‘It was unexpected but very gratifying; especially with all the work I’ve put into my page. It felt like all my work had paid off! It’s a wonderful team too, everyone involved is so good at what they do.’

Although rarely seen these days, 74 Adam Hitchcock is a welcome addition in Jamie’s team

Jamie has big plans for next season as well as new tracks he is hoping to get to. ‘Track wise I would absolutely love to head on down to North Cornwall Motor Racing Club next year. Kings Lynn is also a track I would love to attend but honestly visiting any new track will be a fun experience. Page wise, hopefully doing more with Caged next year, and for BDW, just keep your eyes on the Mendips fixtures for next year…’ That sounds exciting indeed! We wonder what Jamie has in-store for Bangers Down West.

Big things coming from Jamie and Bangers Down West next year

363 Sam Trim was Jamie’s favourite driver growing up, and it’s no surprise to see him feature among the six drivers in Jamie’s ‘dream team.’ ‘Watching Sam take on the Midnight Runners by himself usually was always top notch, plus he could really pedal a Capri.’ Who else finds their way into Jamie’s selection of six. ‘That’s a tough one! For me, I’ve always loved the all rounders, so it’d be 74 Adam Hitchcock, 77 Aaron Charles, 120 Shane Brown, 404 Rob Mills & 517 Scott Weldon, but honestly in my eyes, as long as the driver has the right attitude they’d be accepted into my dream team.’ It’s certainly a very strong looking team, with Jamie sticking to his West-Country roots too.

Trummer obviously features in Jamie’s dream team

Jamie concludes the interview by stating ‘I’d just like to thank all the drivers for the support they’ve given to the page. Mendips for all the opportunities they’ve given me, and a special thanks to my mum and dad for the all support they have given to me.

Having fun and making memories, what racing is all about

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