On an evening highlighted by the return of National Saloon Stock Cars to Yarmouth Stadium in several years, the Bangers were quietly overshadowed, yet still 34 cars filled the pits on a pleasant summer evening at the East Coast venue.
Heat 1 raised 33 cars, although 109 Anders failed to make the start. 433 Smith spun 132 Bernie. 39 Pusher Paul tangled with 433 Smith before 441 Nail spun 564 Coatie. 441 Nail went on to spin 628 Rudedogg. 821 Dangerous buried 247 Bro. 619 head on to 994 Potter. 911 Damo jacked up 548 Big Al. Damage Inc revenge was swift, as 821 Dangerous attacked 911, running him into 61 Danny C. 132 Bernie set about 61 Danny C. 447 Nail ran 50 Bartrum into 247 Bro, before 132 Bernie rolled under the starters rostrum. 591 Morris attacked 61 Danny C and caught a post, as the reds came out to attend to 132 Bernie. The restart saw 126 remove 861 Mincey, before going on to bury 821 Dangerous. 861 Mincey jacked 821 Dangerous. 365 Howard jacked 873 Roberts. 434 spun 365 Howard. 821 Dangerous leant 441 LeGrice into a pile of dead cars. 628 Rudedogg clipped the spinning 447 Nail, resulting on the former going up on two wheels, although 447 Nail had already taken the win at this point.
447, 126, 433, 19, 434, 861
Heat 2 attracted only 22 cars. 39 Pusher Paul spun 564 Coatie. 821 Dangerous got launched at the end of the back straight leaving him facing the wrong way. He recovered only to come under fire from 861 Mincey. 39 Pusher Paul set about 447 Nail. 821 Dangerous buried 433 Smith into 50 Bartrum. 323 attacked 821 Dangerous. 247 Bro weighed into 323. 821 Dangerous put away 619 Chigga. 548 Big Al spun 441 LeGrice who managed to rejoin straight away. 861 Mincey had a nibble at 126 Darbyshire. 61 Danny C spun 619 Chigga. 19 Titch launched 126 Darbyshire which in turn posted 619 Chigga heavily. 61 Danny C attacked 247 Bro who was on fire. 548 Big Al jacked 247 Bro on two consecutive laps. 126 Darbyshire buried 439 Sutty into 247 Bro. 61 Danny C set about 839 Irons just before the red flags came out. 441 LeGrice recovered to take the win.
441, 564, 447, 19, 126, 839, 39
Only 18 cars managed to make it out for the final. 821 Dangerous attacked 247 Bro from the off. 434 attacked 821 Dangerous.619 Chigga went in on 434. 323 jacked 247 Bro. Several drivers went piling in on the Caister bend. 109 Anders tboned 323. 821 Dangerous tboned 247 Bro. 839 Irons put away 441 LeGrice. 109 Anders attacked 821 Dangerous. 447 Nail jacked 50 Bartrum. 132 Bernie clattered 50 Bartrum as he tried to locate his way through the smoke. 447 Nail attacked 564 Coatie. 821 Dangerous delivered a reverse attack into 247 Bro. 821 Dangerous tboned 247 Bro flat out, before doing him head on a lap later.
15 cars were on track for the DD. A few cars were in reverse straight from the off.61 Danny C attacked 821 Dangerous. 478 jacked 132 Bernie. 61 Danny C buried 229. 447 Nail attacked 393 Moss. 61 Danny C went in on 994 Potter. 447 Nail put away 478. 126 Darbyshire assaulted 478. 229 jacked 821 Dangerous. 109 Anders jacked 821 Dangerous. 229 caught 911 Damo in the drivers door. 447 Nail attacked 126 Darbyshire. 126 Darbyshire jacked 821 Dangerous. 433 Smith had a pop at 126 Darbyshire. 433 Smith caged 994 Potter.433 Smith jacked 447 Nail. 126 Darbyshire attacked 447 Nail. 433 Smith jacked 821 Dangerous. 433 Smith weighed in on 447 Nail. 229 went in on 126 Darbyshire. 433 Smith dished a head on to 447 Nail. 229 jacked 821 Dangerous. 433 Smith jacked 994 Potter, and then delivered a head on to 821 Dangerous on the reds. 447 Nail was deemed the winner with 126 Darbyshire his runner up due to 433 Smith being disqualified.
Overall another top night of action from the ever popular back to basics class at Yarmouth.

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